Yoni Massage Webinar

Product & Services

Yoni Massage Webinar



Yoni Massage is an experience of deep pleasure and intimacy.

There is an art to this pleasure, to this honouring of a woman, to the mystery and power of her pleasure.

Yoni Massage can be deeply healing, relaxing, connecting, and oh, so pleasurable!

Join me on this webinar as we explore the beginning of this beautiful experience.

I’ll share with you:

Yoni Anatomy, including the G-Spot, the U-Spot, The A-Spot, the P-Spot.

Creating a Ritual Space, and why that’s so important.

The Intention.

The Heart Touch.

Yoni Massage Techniques.


Yoni Massage on Yourself.

And more…

Here’s an introduction to the workshop: https://eroslife.co.za/introduction-to-yoni-massage/

Jonti Searll has been teaching in the field of Conscious Sexuality for over 20 years.

He has created many workshops and retreats, as well as working with people on journeys of healing, learning, growth and exploration. He is the creator of the ErosLife DVD series, the audio book, Let’s Talk About Sex and writes regularly.

The webinar includes a download of The Yoni Massage DVD as well as my E-book The Yoni Experience.

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