Taking Care

Every Water Flow Massage Experience has a theme, an energy…
Holiday Pleasure and Pressure

So many of us are looking for more pleasure, deeper connection and intimacy as well as a greater experience of sexual energy…
Slowly, Deeply…

So many of us are looking for more pleasure, deeper connection and intimacy as well as a greater experience of sexual energy…
What Do You Want From Sex

My learning of life, of consciousness, has brought me to see that everything is connected, and that everything has a purpose…
Orgasmic Gratitude

My learning of life, of consciousness, has brought me to see that everything is connected, and that everything has a purpose…
Honouring Love

My learning of life, of consciousness, has brought me to see that everything is connected, and that everything has a purpose…
Permission to Love

I sat in my practice recently with a woman who had never had an orgasm…
Don’t Teach Me To F***, Teach Me To Feel

I recently had an experience, probably the most intense pleasure experience I’ve ever had…
Time For Pleasure

I had some interesting realisations the other day during a particularly beautiful massage about time…
The Heart of my Lingam

He hungers, my Lingam. He hungers for you…
Relentless Growth

When you choose Consciousness, when you choose Growth, really choose it, commit to its path, it becomes relentless…
Emotional Expansion

For a long time I struggled with the concept of negative and positive emotions…
Meaningful Sex

Over the years of working in the field of Conscious Sexuality I’ve heard many people say that they want sex to be meaningful…
My Tantric Quest

With Jonti I’ve learnt so many small, subtle ways of being with myself and getting comfortable with my sexuality…
Make a Life of Love

Our great disservice to love is that we’ve euphemistically limited the making of love to sex…
Making The After-Love Last

There’s so much said about foreplay, about the build-up to sex…
Thoughts on Healing

Over the past week I’ve sat in my studio and listened to stories of deep pain…
Sensual Connection & Healing – 18. The Gifts Of Love & Being Present

In this video Jonti talks about the gift of love and the gift of being present
Sensual Connection & Healing – 17. The Spiritual Being

In this video Jonti talks about connecting to your spiritual being
Prepare Yourself for Pleasure

Prepare yourself for pleasure…
Sensual Connection & Healing – 16. Light The Fire

In this video Jonti Talks about the techniques used to light the sensual fire.
Sensual Connection & Healing – 15. Being Selfish

In this video Jonti explains the importance and value of being selfish.
Heart Time

Heart Time is where your relationship happens…
Sensual Connection & Healing – 14. Chakra Alignment

In this video Jonti explains the technique used aligning the bodies Chakras or energy zones.
Sensual Connection & Healing – 13. The Sensual Vocabulary

In this video Jonti talks about the sensual vocabulary and how the words we choose to use affect our senses.
Sensual Connection & Healing – 12. Body Check-In

In this video Jonti guides us through the body check-in.
Sensual Connection & Healing – 11. Chest Breath

In this video Jonti guides us through the third exercise in the workshop which is the chest breath.
The Power of Pleasure

My lover is a woman of incredible sexual energy and power…
Sensual Connection & Healing – 10. Sensual Hands Dancing

In this video Jonti guides us through the second exercise in the workshop which is Sensual Hands Dancing.
The Missing Element of Love

Imagine if we’ve got something wrong about love…
Sexual Healing, Life Healing

I’ve been doing healing work since 1993, mostly in the field of Conscious Sexuality…
Alive Yoni, Alive Lingam

I have observed something beautiful in my lover and in myself. Her Yoni is alive…
Love Makes Us

Every time, my love, that you take me into your body…
The Gift of Presence

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is presence, to be present in yourself. To be in your body, to be in your breath, to be in your emotions. To be with yourself. To feel. To …
Healing Your Relationship

I spend a great deal of time listening to, and helping with relationship issues and problems. Here’s something about relationships. If your relationship …
The Subtle Power of Stillness

There are many opportunities to have experiences of beauty and power that can have deep impact on our lives. One of these is our next Retreat in Mozambique, Making Love With Life.
Willingness to Heal

There are many opportunities to have experiences of beauty and power that can have deep impact on our lives. One of these is our next Retreat in Mozambique, Making Love With Life.
The Sexual Exchange of Energy

There are many opportunities to have experiences of beauty and power that can have deep impact on our lives. One of these is our next Retreat in Mozambique, Making Love With Life.
To Be Wanted

There are many opportunities to have experiences of beauty and power that can have deep impact on our lives. One of these is our next Retreat in Mozambique, Making Love With Life.
Meaning of Experience

There are many opportunities to have experiences of beauty and power that can have deep impact on our lives. One of these is our next Retreat in Mozambique, Making Love With Life.