Sexual Healing, The Paths of Possibility

I sat in my studio this morning with a client, listening to her sexual story, her desire to have the experiences she knew were there, to feel the things she knew were possible.

I was thinking about my journey, working in the field of Conscious Sexuality for 20 yrs.

It’s a full-body massage that works with the body’s meridian system, bringing healing to the entire being every time you experience it.
It’s slow, taking you into a state of deep relaxation, and gentle, allowing the relaxation to be enhanced, and making release possible.

Taoist Sexual Rhythm

One of the deepest practices that I offer and teach is Taoist Sexual Energy Massage.

It’s a full-body massage that works with the body’s meridian system, bringing healing to the entire being every time you experience it.
It’s slow, taking you into a state of deep relaxation, and gentle, allowing the relaxation to be enhanced, and making release possible.

Words on My Lover’s Body

If you wrote a poem on your lover’s body, what would it say?
Even your imaginary lover, the lover that you would like to have, the lover you dream about.
Where on their body would you write it?

The Shifting Sands of Perception

Last week in my practice there were some amazing realizations that came through shifting perspectives and asking different questions.
Asking different questions allows us to see things differently. When we can see things differently we can do things differently.
And one of the most powerful understandings from this is the power of questions, to be more engaged, more curious, more open.

Taking It Deep Into The Body

‘I just lay there and cried. In 47 years I had never been touched so gently. For 47 years my body, and my Yoni, a new word for me, as there were so many new things on this journey, had never been touched so gently.

Disneyland and The Holy Grail

So many of us are looking for the Disneyland of sex, love and pleasure. We think that’s where it is, the ultimate.

It’s like a roller-coaster or ghost-train. It’s a thrill. A quick thrill. There are some laughs. Your stomach hits your throat. There’s an adrenaline rush. Blood rushing through your body. There are some screams. You’re holding on really tight, muscles clenched.

Tell Me Something Different!

Most of my work is in the field of Conscious Sexuality and Relationships, which means that that’s what most people come and see me for, and that’s where most journeys start.
However, as our sexuality doesn’t happen in a vacuum, rather in the fullness of the context of our lives, as do our relationships, healing and growth journeys need to be in the same context.

Heart-Centered Healing

There’s a model of healing I keep coming back to. It’s challenging because it challenges the way we look at healing.

It’s not about fixing the problem.
And that’s the problem.

We’ve been convinced we have to fix the problem, whatever it is.
How about if we didn’t?
How about if there was another way?

Sitting With Love

I sat alone in the night and I asked Love to come and sit with me.

I know Love in all its exquisite savagery, in all its terrible beauty.

I know the gentleness and tenderness of Love, its warmth and safety.

I know the home that Love brings, the belonging.

The Questions We Shouldn’t Ask

There are some questions we shouldn’t ask.

Because the answers make us uncomfortable, they make us squirm inside.

Because if we ask them we might have to do something about it.
Because if we ask them we bring certain things into the light of day, we acknowledge their existence, and maybe they’re best left unsaid.

The Art of Sensual Massage

The deeper we go into Sensual Massage, the deeper we go into art.
The art of touch, the art of communication, the art of intention, the art of presence, the art of awareness, the art of consciousness, the art of connection, the art of intimacy, the art of vulnerability, the art of power, the art of love, the art of the heart, the art of the body.

The Choice For Pleasure

It’s about biting into this strange offering of our nature and relishing it, savoring it, letting it run down our chins and over our bodies.

You Think You Have Time

We think we have time.
We don’t.
The people in our lives are there, and then they’re not. Some will be for a lifetime, some will be for a day. For so many reasons.

Sexual Healing

There is a way of making love that is deeply healing. It has a breath, a deep, gentle breath. It’s in the element of presence. It’s in the intention of intimacy, of love.

A Celebration of Men

It was so beautiful to share the space with these men, to see how they allowed themselves to connect with each other, to hold and support each other, literally and metaphorically, to engage with the processes with open hearts,

Sexuality, Life, Healing

Our sexuality is in the context of our lives.

It’s not, as many people think, and the way they express it, in a little box that they take out in very specific circumstances and use it, then put it away again.

Expectations and Possibilities

How much of what we feel during sex, during touch, during pleasure is what we expect to feel?
And because we expect it to feel that way, that’s what we feel.

Making Love As A Meditation

When we go to the body we’re creating a quietness, a stillness for the mind to begin its inward journey…

Patterns and Self-Pleasuring

I’m preparing for the Conscious Self-Pleasuring Webinar on Wednesday, and I’m think about all the things I’d like to share with you, there’s so much…

Yoni So Slowly

There is an expression of Yoni Massage that us slow, so slow at times that there are no movements, no moving, simply holding. ..

Open Men

”The thing that stands out for me of these experiences is that it is such an amazing safe space full of kindness.”

The Craziness of Healing

The healing journey is crazy!
It’s an inner journey, a deep journey that takes you to places within yourself that on time will question everything you know, everything you think, and everything you think you know.

Why Should I Go To A Sex Workshop

‘Why should I come to a sex workshop?’

Someone asked me this question yesterday, they’re thinking about coming to some of the workshops I’m teaching in Cape Town…

Sacred Yoni

She is sacred
Approach her with reverence
Look at her beauty with awe
Her folds, her petals
Fleshflower of the Goddess

Melting Pleasure

Melting Pleasure is going into a deep state of sexual experience. It allows your sexual energy to flow through your entire body, to connect you in a space of intimacy to yourself, to your beloved…

Sleeping Together

We have a lot of euphemisms for sex. The most popular one is ‘they slept together’. As I understand it, there’s a difference, a big difference between having sex and sleeping.

The Angry Heart

The angry heart cannot love, The angry heart cannot open…

Love Matters

I was watching a talk on YouTube recently and there was something in the talk that many of us have seen. It was an image of the universe…

Heart Arousal

When your arousal is from your heart everything changes…

Living Consciously

It’s f*****g difficult to get up every morning and live consciously…

Being Orgasmic

At some point ‘An Orgasm’, having ‘An Orgasm’, achieving ‘An Orgasm’ became The Thing. This was the benchmark by which sexual experiences were measured…

Sexual Exploration

Lately I’ve received a lot of questions from people want to explore different sexual things…

Touch This Body

Touch this body in prayer, Touch this body in worship, For this is sacred ground…

The Power of Play

Exploring a different story of our sexuality I come to an understanding of the power of playfulness…

Men Going Deeper

Last week in my practice I had two incredibly deep experiences. Both of these are connected to a different story of our sexuality…

Men’s Story

As I look at a different story for our sexuality I turn to an experience I had recently and what it brought to mind…

Makers of Love

During some deep discuss with me lover we’ve spoken about not knowing what certain words mean to us anymore. A good example of this is ‘spirituality’…

A Different Story

Opening is expansion, Softness is welcoming, Gentleness is tender…

A World of Healers

Imagine if we lived in a world of healers. The healers who say that I am in the world and the world is within me…

The Pleasure Connection

Over time I’ve worked with so many people, men and women, who have disconnected themselves…