Hey Man, It’s In The Connection!
Over the past while more and more men have been coming to learn, heal and explore, themselves and their sexuality.
The Endless Touch
One of the most beautiful things about learning Sensual Massage, Heart Massage, Healing Massage, is the endless journey of discovery it offers.
In The Giving
It’s often been said that the receiving is in the giving.
This is showing to be so true in the learning of Healing Massage.
I was thinking about my journey, working in the field of Conscious Sexuality for 20 yrs.
It’s a full-body massage that works with the body’s meridian system, bringing healing to the entire being every time you experience it.
It’s slow, taking you into a state of deep relaxation, and gentle, allowing the relaxation to be enhanced, and making release possible.
Healing Men
It’s easy for me to talk about the fears that many men have around their sexuality, about the sexual problems they have, the impact these have on their emotional state, their relationships and lives.
I was thinking about my journey, working in the field of Conscious Sexuality for 20 yrs.
It’s a full-body massage that works with the body’s meridian system, bringing healing to the entire being every time you experience it.
It’s slow, taking you into a state of deep relaxation, and gentle, allowing the relaxation to be enhanced, and making release possible.
Sexual Healing, The Paths of Possibility
I sat in my studio this morning with a client, listening to her sexual story, her desire to have the experiences she knew were there, to feel the things she knew were possible.
I was thinking about my journey, working in the field of Conscious Sexuality for 20 yrs.
It’s a full-body massage that works with the body’s meridian system, bringing healing to the entire being every time you experience it.
It’s slow, taking you into a state of deep relaxation, and gentle, allowing the relaxation to be enhanced, and making release possible.
Taoist Sexual Rhythm
One of the deepest practices that I offer and teach is Taoist Sexual Energy Massage.
It’s a full-body massage that works with the body’s meridian system, bringing healing to the entire being every time you experience it.
It’s slow, taking you into a state of deep relaxation, and gentle, allowing the relaxation to be enhanced, and making release possible.
Words on My Lover’s Body
If you wrote a poem on your lover’s body, what would it say?
Even your imaginary lover, the lover that you would like to have, the lover you dream about.
Where on their body would you write it?
The Shifting Sands of Perception
Last week in my practice there were some amazing realizations that came through shifting perspectives and asking different questions.
Asking different questions allows us to see things differently. When we can see things differently we can do things differently.
And one of the most powerful understandings from this is the power of questions, to be more engaged, more curious, more open.
Taking It Deep Into The Body
‘I just lay there and cried. In 47 years I had never been touched so gently. For 47 years my body, and my Yoni, a new word for me, as there were so many new things on this journey, had never been touched so gently.