Connecting, Man to Man

There is a sensuality of men, between men, that few of us get to experience.
It is rich in gifts, deep, vast.
Gifts of support, of connection, of intimacy.
Gifts of the body, gifts of the heart.

One of the events I offer is an experience I created called Water Flow Massage.
It happens in an indoor heated pool where the water encompasses us like a womb of safety, sensation and feeling.
It’s a touch experience, with a lot of holding, gentle movement, and stillness.
It’s designed to be deeply relaxing, connected, intimate, soft and opening.
Some of the practices you do on your own, some with a partner, and some in a group.

Deep Erotic Experience

There are moments of Erotic experience, moments of deep pleasure, moments of sexual energy, moments of intimacy, moments of the heart, moments of the body, that have no words.
They’re sacred moments, moments of an open heart.
Moments that show how vast the space of the heart is.
Moments that arise from deep within us.
Moments of eyes, of breath, of touch.

Deep moments.
That are changing the way I work, and the experiences I share, and will soon start teaching.

Arousal from the Throat

For a long time I’ve been working with the connection between our genitals and throat. For many of us this begins as healing, releasing, opening.
We hold so much there, so many unsaid things, so much tension, contraction.
So many times we didn’t ask for what we want, not only in sex but in all of life. So many times we held ourselves back from saying what we needed to. So many times we were taught not to express certain emotions. So many times we didn’t have the courage to use our voice. So many times there was fear around speaking our truth. So many times we said yes when we meant no, no when we meant yes.
So many times all of that was me.

The Relationship of Heart and Sex

‘I wanted to share this with you. As I woke up this morning with the sun on my bed, I could feel the energy moving in my body. I know it so well but it’s often so intense that I’m a bit afraid of it and try to contain it. Today as I felt it moving I decided to meet it with curiosity. I put my hands on my heart and my yoni, I breathed into my heart and I asked it “where do you want to go and what do you want to do?” as I met it with that gentle, open curiosity it moved from an intense flow of energy up and down my body, spreading itself outwards throughout my whole body until my finger tips tingled. It flowed outwards in waves of delicious pleasure, gently inhabiting my whole body and expanding my yoni so that it felt as if my yoni was meeting my heart for the very first time. I’m lying here with the sun caressing my skin in a place of pure pleasure and lightness.’

Presence in Deep Yoni Massage

There is something fascinating that happens in Deep Yoni Massage.
And I’m using the word deep in a few different ways here.
And all of them are about presence, connection, intimacy, awareness, the heart.
Which is the journey of the guide, an inner journey. I’m using the word guide instead of giver, doer, because you’re simply guiding the energy, guiding her body.. Everything is within her, and in this experience, there’s a conversation, a deep conversation beyond words.
It’s a conversation of the body, of sensation, of awareness.
It’s a deeply intimate conversation, in your body talking to my hands, and me sensing that. No thought. Sensing, feeling, being.
As soon as it’s a thought, the feeling is lost, and then it becomes an experience of what should I do, how should I move, am I doing it right, who am I doing it for, how much can I turn you on.
It becomes about my thoughts, rather than what’s there in the touch, there in your body, and in mind.

Relax, It’s Important

There is something so important for both healing and pleasure that we tend to overlook.
Maybe because it’s so simple, and in its simplicity we forget about the power it has.
To relax.

We tend to live, and love, and experience pleasure, in a state of tension, of tightness.
For most of us, that’s become the default state of our bodies, minds, hearts and energy.
Simply due to life.

Here’s what happens, and in this we begin to understand a lot about releasing, about letting go, about softening, and the impact this has on our pleasure.