Three (Erotic) Things

Three things, just three things.
And so much happens with these three things.
They could be any 3 things, and today I chose these. Rope, a blindfold, a flogger.
The strands of the flogger are made of rubber. They give a sensation, a sting, not pain.
They can also be stroked across the skin, your skin, across your whole body. They can be stroked over your legs, your thighs, the inside of your thighs, your groin crease. They can be stroked over your Yoni or Lingam. They can be stroked over your belly, your breasts, your back, your neck. They’re not just for flogging. And even that can have different sensations. One stroke. And then a pause.
Maybe a few, maybe in the same place, maybe all over. Then a pause.
Then maybe my fingertips, so softly over where the flogger struck.
Or my mouth close to your skin, blowing.

Coffee and Rope

Last week I did a rope workshop facilitated by a friend in Australia.
It was a very non-traditional approach, that wasn’t really about tying, knots, positions etc, which is often quite technical.
This was about the energy of the rope, using the rope as a communication, as a sensual element, as part of the intention and sensuality of the experience, as an energy.
As with all things I learn I couldn’t wait to try it and personalize it, see how it worked, where it could go, what the possibilities were.