This Touch of Possibility

I was thinking about all the massage experiences I teach and do.
Conscious Sensual Massage, a vast field of healing and pleasure, Taoist Sexual Energy Massage, Kashmiri Massage, Water Flow Massage, Yoni Massage in its many expressions of healing and pleasure, Lingam Massage and the different ways we can do that, Breast Massage, Anal Massage, Mouth Massage, Sensual Bondage Massage/Awakening the Senses, Earth Massage, Liquid Light and more.
I was thinking about how important touch is for us, more so at the moment due to the isolation, the disconnect, the loneliness, the fear so many of us have been in the past two years.
I was thinking about how when I developed The Heart Touch so much changed in the way I teach.
Three (Erotic) Things

Three things, just three things.
And so much happens with these three things.
They could be any 3 things, and today I chose these. Rope, a blindfold, a flogger.
The strands of the flogger are made of rubber. They give a sensation, a sting, not pain.
They can also be stroked across the skin, your skin, across your whole body. They can be stroked over your legs, your thighs, the inside of your thighs, your groin crease. They can be stroked over your Yoni or Lingam. They can be stroked over your belly, your breasts, your back, your neck. They’re not just for flogging. And even that can have different sensations. One stroke. And then a pause.
Maybe a few, maybe in the same place, maybe all over. Then a pause.
Then maybe my fingertips, so softly over where the flogger struck.
Or my mouth close to your skin, blowing.
One Journey, Thank You

We’ve shared a lot this year, you and I.
Some in person, some on the other side of a screen, some reading what I write, some on my DVD’s and programmes.
I am grateful for all of it.
I learn from our discussions, questions and comments, whatever they are.
I learn about myself, and this year, maybe more than ever, has been some of the deepest learning. It’s also been a year of looking deeper into myself than ever, with more truth than ever.
I learn about this journey, this work. As much as I can call it work, because it’s a joy to share what we do.
The Dance of the Heart

‘My touch is the dance of my heart on your body.’
I wrote this line and shared it in an image a few days ago, then I read it a few times.
Earlier in the day I shared a massage swap that began with an extended time of Eye-Gazing, Heart Connection, our energies merging.
I was receiving, as much as there is giving and receiving in this space.
My partner did things she’s never done before, and I felt things I’ve never felt before.
And as I read that line again I realized that that’s what massage in that deep space is.
The dance of the Heart.
And that filled me with wonder.
The dance emerges, it has rhythm and flow, rests and pauses.
It’s a dance that never was danced before, it never will be again.
Not quite like this.
The Freedom of Sacred Saliva

Let’s start with this.
What makes saliva sacred?
Nothing, other than it’s an element of our Divine body, and as everything, every bodily fluid, is part of us, in this Divine body.
And if we were more aware of this, we would probably do some things very differently. I certainly know I would have.
Now let’s talk about the freedom of saliva.
Man to Man Kashmiri Massage

For a man to sit opposite another man and to look into his eyes is powerful.
For a man to sit naked opposite another man is powerful.
For a man to hold his hands out to another man is powerful.
For a man to be acknowledged by another man is powerful.
For a man to sit with his heart against that of another man is powerful.
For a man to be held by, to hold, another man is powerful.
For a man to breathe with another man is powerful.
For a man to be touched, to touch, another man is powerful.
For a man to receive from another man is powerful.
Be Still and Know

I went to dancing on Saturday night, around the fire, with the wind and some rain.
And primal.
Moments of just the music in my ears and my body moving, the earth beneath my feet, the sensation on my skin.
In one way so simple, something ancient.
Moving to music.
It does do much, on so many levels for us, thus dance.
I often compare the dance to massage, the dance of my hands on your skin. The sensation of the touch, the space it opens in your body, the stillness within, the intimacy of our eyes meeting for a moment.
I feel new space open in my body, in my dance. The deep stillness when the movement stops.