Teaching Massage Online
For a long time I have resisted teaching massage online.
Firstly I held the belief that it has to be in the same space to get the subtlety and nuance. There’s a transmission of a feeling, of an energy, that happens in the workshop space. It’s about touch, and touch needs you to be there.
Then I had the belief that it was complicated. I needed a camera person to show close-up so you’d get the detail, and so much of what I teach, the way I teach it, the detail is important.
And a few other thoughts that just kept making this difficult and complicated.
A few things happened over the past weeks to change this.
A Tender Moment
I’ve had a lot of conversations with people in the past weeks.
People in relationships and single people.
Mostly people who are dealing with issues and problems, some struggling deeply, some hurting, and some people searching.
What’s been fascinating is something has emerged that so many people are looking for, desiring, craving, hungering for.
Exploring Sexual Healing
There is much of our world that has taken what is sacred and made it dirty.
There is much of our world that has taken what is light and made it dark.
There is much of our world that has taken what is powerful and made it weak.
There is much of our world that has taken what is sacred and despoiled it.
There was a time when we knew the power of sexuality.
Exploring Healing
Many people come to a sexual journey looking for healing.
There’s a problem, an issue, a blockage,a pain, a hurt.
That’s where so many journeys begin.
A lot of my work happens in this space, or that’s where it starts anyway.
I’ve been thinking a lot during this lockdown of what healing is.
When we say we’re looking for healing what does that mean?
For many people it means that we need to fix something.
We Need Touch
We need to touch, and we need to be touched.
We need to hold, and we need to be held.
We need to pleasure, and we need to be pleasured.
These are needs.
Not wants or desires.
The Love of Desire
I’ve shared with you that over the past year I haven’t had a sexual encounter with another.
For someone who has had a rich and full erotic life this has been really interesting.
For someone who has connected deeply through sex this has been really interesting.
It’s taken me deep into myself, into my body, my mind, my heart.
And deep into my desire.
In Service to The Heart Touch
I have been doing and teaching massage and touch for almost 30 years. The past 20 plus years in the field of Conscious Sexuality, Kashmiri Pleasure Massage, Yoni Massage, Taoist Massage, Lingam Massage, Energy Massage, Sensual Awakening Massage, Anal Massage and more.
Over the past months of lockdown, and in South Africa it’s been strict, I haven’t been able to touch.
This has brought its own gifts, in looking at new ways to share, which has brought about the weekly webinars and Sensual Saturday Nights, which I’ve loved.
It’s also given me time to reflect on touch, on how I do what I do, what the possibilities of this are, where it can expand to.
I’ve always said that there is no limit to pleasure, no limit to touch.
And I look forward, soon, to be able to share what I’ve learned with you.