‘It’s like I’ve discovered a secret superpower.’
This is what a woman shared with me last week after learning some of the Self-Pleasuring practices.
‘I’ve found a way to feel more alive, have more energy.’
‘I’m moving differently, talking with more confidence.’
‘I can feel being in my body more, like it’s mine, I’ve never felt that before.’
‘I am much more relaxed, much calmer, less stressed, less anxious.’
‘I’m learning to meditate with my body, it’s a whole new world for me, and it’s not a struggle.’
The secret superpower is our sexual energy, our sensuality.
There are so many ways for us to experience this energy, and one of the most accessible for us is with ourselves, for ourselves.
We’ve often been told in spiritual teachings, It’s all within us.
And it is.
Hidden in plain sight, or rather for many of us, hidden in the dark, under covers, secret.
And often the shame, the guilt, the embarrassment we feel about our sexuality, and about self-pleasuring, are some of the things that help keep it hidden.
There’s something interesting about a secret.
It’s a word used a lot in sexual teachings, and spiritual teachings.
Ancient secrets revealed!
We love that one, it comes with such promise.
I heard something that stayed with me, I think it was from Daniel Odier about secrets, secret knowledge. It went something like this, Even if the knowledge is revealed and it’s right in front of us, until we engage with it, work with it, use it, it’s still a secret.
Our sexuality only becomes a superpower when we consciously experience it, taste it, dance with it, bathe in it, immerse ourselves in it.
The key here is consciousness, awareness.
So many of us, most of us, are having sex, with ourselves, with another, others, in whatever context and configuration.
And the way most of us are doing it is goal-oriented, friction, patterned sex.
The juice, the richness, the possibility, is right here.
It’s in our bodies, our breath, our eyes, our mouths, our genitals.
It’s in our sensuality, our senses.
It’s in every moment of the metaphor of breathing in as if a lover were penetrating us, and we opening to receive them.
It’s in every moment of the awareness of looking through Divine eyes.
Tasting, smelling, touching, the everyday sacred.
It’s in slowing down.
It’s in breathing.
It’s in stopping to feel.
It’s in allowing the energy to build, to fill us, to reach into every cell of our bodies.
It’s in softening to let it flow through us.
It’s in the ecstatic dance of a lover’s caress, a kiss.
It’s in drawing a lover deep inside us.
It’s in filling a lover to touch their heart through their body.
It’s in the pleasure, the ecstasy, the bliss.
Waves that take us, break us open, heal us, expand us, and tenderly bring us back to ourselves.
That’s very poetic and mysterious, as a superpower should be.
And it’s rooted in the body.
In real life.
In presence.
In touch, in a gaze.
In your belly against mine, my heart against yours.
It’s rooted in the experience of my sexuality, on my own, and sharing it with you, in awareness, in energy.
It’s rooted in the learning, in the practice.
Right here.
It’s a secret that’s right within us, waiting for us.
I invite you to join me for a Live Online Self-Pleasuring Experience on Wed 22 May.
DM for details.