
How different our pleasure would be, how different our sex would be, if we were in love, if we loved, our lover’s YoniLingam.

For most of us, sex is a goal-oriented, specific, patterned experience.

We have so many reasons for having sex, some spoken and known, many more unspoken, unconscious, subconscious.

And even of those we may know, many remain unsaid.

The point really is that we have sex to get somewhere, make something happen, hopefully for both of us, for now we’ll leave this in a couple, of whatever description it may be.

I’ve recently been doing some very non-traditional Yoni and Lingam Puja experiences.

And it made me think about falling in love, loving a Yoni, loving a Lingam.

And how different our experience would be, coming from that space.

Think about how you think when you’re in love, how you think about your lover.

Think about how you look at your lover, how beautiful they are, in your eyes. 

Think about how you look at the details of your lover, the whole of your lover.

How they fit together, how all the parts of them come together in this whole beautiful being.

Think about how you look at them with love, with acceptance, with desire. 

Think about the time you spend looking at them.

Think about looking at your lover’s YoniLingam in that way.

Looking as if you were in love.

Think about when you’re in love, the time you spend talking to your lover.

Think about the time you spend listening to your lover.

Think about the time you spend learning about your lover.

Learning about their story, their lives, their experiences.

Learning about what they like, what they don’t like.

Think about how you compliment them, tell them all the things you like about them.

Think about the conversations you have when you’re in love.

The hopes, the dreams, the wishes, the desires you share.

Think about those conversations with your lover’s YoniLingam. 

Think about when you’re in love, the care you take with your lover.

Think about how you approach them.

Think about the things you do for them, the gifts you give, the experiences you share. 

Think about the time you give them, how thoughtful, caring you are.

Think about that with your lover’s YoniLingam. 

Think about when you’re in love, the way you touch.

Think about how much time you take with touch. 

Think about how much you caress, stroke, explore each other.

Think about the desire you have to discover each other.

Think about how much you kiss each other.

Think about how intimate the touch is, how connected it is.

Think about how the touch doesn’t go anywhere other than be present, feel, share. 

Think about how there’s no rush, there’s no pressure.

Think about how much you feel in small touches, in moments.

Think about how caring you are, in touch.

Think about that with your lover’s YoniLingam.

Think about when you’re in love, how intimate you are, how connected you are, how much you share, in so many ways.

Think about when you’re in love, how you make time for each other.

Think about when you’re in love, there are often sacred moments.

Think about how present you are, when you’re in love.

Think about how big, how intense, the feelings are.

Think about that with your lover’s YoniLingam. 

Think about opening your heart to your lover’s YoniLingam. 

How you’d look at them, approach them, caress them, pleasure them.

Think about the sacred space you’d create for them, how you’d worship them.

Think about the words you’d use, the things you’d say.

Think about the time you’d take.

Think about how much you’d give.

Think about that, being in love with your lover’s YoniLingam. 

Think about how being in love, loving, is an endless discovery, an exploration, a learning, a sharing.

Think about how being in love, loving, my desire is so different than some friction to have an orgasm.

Think about how you feel when you’re in love, when you’re loving, when you’re loved, when you feel loved.

Think about that, being in love, loving, your lover’s YoniLingam.

The Yoni and Lingam Puja I’ve developed are available for you to experience, and to learn, as a lover and a practitioner.

The experiences are also part of deeper journeys of sexual, sensual, sexual energy, healing, growth and exploration. 

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