If you want to go deep
Go slow
If you want to go deep
Go soft
If you want to go deep
Stay there
If you want to go deep
Let it flow
From your heart
The deep places call us.
The deep places of our bodies, the deep places of our hearts.
The deep places of pleasure, of energy.
The deep places that mystery invites us into.
Within us we know, our soul knows.
The depth of pleasure, the depth of intimacy.
The depth of union, with ourselves, with another.
With life.
To go deep calls us to be courageous.
To go deep calls us to peel the layers of illusion away.
To go deep calls us to embrace desire in all her fiery glory.
To go deep calls us to be present in every breath, in every touch, in every caress, in every kiss.
To go deep calls us to go slow.
To go deep calls us to soften, to open, to release, to surrender.
Slowly, we do that.
Slowly, our bodies.
Slowly, our hearts.
Slowly, our energy.
Slowly is a devotion.
In the slow, in the deep, the sacred is revealed to us.
In the slow, in the deep, sensation, sensuality carries us
Waves of feeling.
Every breath, everything I see in your eyes, every sigh, every place our skins touch in melting liquid heat.
In the slow, the Divine in me merges with the Divine in you.
In the slow we find the real fire.
Not the fire of friction.
The fire that burns deep, so deep.
The molten core, the lava flow of life pulsating in a place so deep within us.
The orgasmic fire that the sun glistens over the ocean of pleasure.
The fire of love.
To go deep, go slow.
And, slowly, your heart against mine, there’s a field that surrounds us.
Sacred light that bathes us in bliss
To go deep, go slow.