Look into my eyes
She said
Look into my eyes
As you enter my body
That you enter my heart
That you enter my being
That you enter me
Not just with your Lingam
That you enter me with your presence
With your heart
With your soul
In the candlelight of the temple we’d created, we sat.
She laid a hand on my heart, she laid a hand on my Lingam.
It’s easy, she said, to enter, to penetrate a woman’s body.
It’s easy to move inside of her with friction.
It’s easy to use her body as a way to have an orgasm, to release yourself into her.
It’s easy to do this to her.
And in a way, it’s a taking, a taking away, an emptying.
And for many men, that’s what sex is, has become, an act of emptying.
When there is a desire for union, it becomes an experience of filling
When there is no chasing, rather resting in the moment, in the sensation.
When there is the awareness of the portal that our bodies are.
When there is the awareness of the subtle conversation of eyes, of breath, of skin.
When there is the quiet listening inside, hearing the whispered voice of our hearts.
When there is presence, it becomes an experience of filling.
When you enter me with your flesh, with your heart, with your presence.
When you enter me with the humble awareness of the sacred moment of union.
When you enter me with the awareness that this is how we pray.
When you enter me with the intimate desire of connection.
When you enter me in a way this is my body inviting you, welcoming you, drawing you in.
When you enter me in that way, you don’t take me, you don’t conquer me, you don’t fuck me.
You meet me.
You worship me.
And as much as I open to you, as much as you fill me, you open to me, I fill you.
And as much as you enter me, I penetrate you.
This is sacred union.
Our bodies are expressions of our hearts, of something deeper within us.
This is the dance of life, of love, of pleasure.
It’s the ecstatic song of our bodies at play.
It’s the blissful melting into the moment.
It’s the awareness that everywhere we touch there is a liquid spark.
Rest the head of your Lingam at the opening of my Yoni.
This is holy ground, the temple of my body.
Pause there.
Feel the invitation, from my body, from my heart.
Feel the desire within me.
Look into my eyes
As you enter my body
That you enter my heart
That you enter my being
That you enter me
Not just with your Lingam
That you enter me with your presence
With your heart
With your soul.
I invite you, come and learn, come and explore…