Expanded Energy Orgasm Workshop

Product & Services

Expanded Energy Orgasm Workshop



Tues 18 April, 7 pm, Johannesburg

Includes a Free Download of the ErosLife Expanded Orgasm DVD and E-Book


Expanded Orgasm gives you a different perspective on pleasure, creating a mind-shift that takes you to a new understanding of the possibilities of pleasure and sexual energy.

We tend to see orgasm as a goal, an event, the result of the linear pattern we’ve made sex to be. Expanded Orgasm shows you how to step out of this pattern, into a different understanding and experience of pleasure. Expanded Orgasm teaches how a woman can be in an orgasmic state for over 20 minutes, even longer and shows you 4 experiences for men to deepen his pleasure.


On the workshop you will learn:

The difference between orgasm and orgasmic states

The principles of the expanded orgasmic

Moving sexual energy through the body

How to give the experience to a woman

How to give the experience to a man

How to have the experience on your own

Using The Expanded Orgasm for pleasure, healing, meditation and creation

There is no nudity, the techniques are demonstrated on latex models.

Booking essential


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