The Erotic Mouth

Product & Services

The Erotic Mouth





Date: Sat 17 July

Time: 10AM – 5PM

Cost: R1450/person (lunch included)

Venue: Namaskar Wellness Hub, Fourways

To Book: Simply reply to this email

The workshop also includes a download of The ErosLife Ultimate Blow-Job DVD and access to The Gooroo Guide for 1 month.

Our mouths are centres of delicious eroticism and sensation.

Our mouths are centres of deep intimacy, and the many ways we can express that.

Our mouths are centres of such freedom.

Our mouths are centres of energy.

Our mouths are also places where we hold a great deal of tension, where energy gets blocked, where much of the past sits. It represents the many things we never said, needed to say or wanted to say.

Shame sits here, as well as anger, sensuality and receiving – being open.

Our mouths are gateways to deep intimacy with ourselves, to ultimate relaxation and release. So much of letting go is made possible through our mouths.

So many other things in our bodies, in our nervous systems, are connected to our mouths.

And there is endless pleasure to be experienced through, in and with our mouths.

The Erotic Mouth brings these elements together in a day of exploring, experiencing, connecting, learning, releasing and feeling.

Here you’ll learn techniques and practices that will enhance and expand different aspects of your life.

All the practices are done on your own, there are no partners required.




This workshop will encompass:

  • Heart Breath – Connects you with your heart, with your body, brings you into the Heart Resonance and Presence.
  • The Mouth Meditation of Relaxation – Deep Relaxation in a short time, from your mouth that spreads throughout your body, an anytime practice that does so much so quickly.
  • Mouth Massage – I’ve been teaching this for a while now, it brings physical and emotional release to so much we’ve held in our mouths, creating an intimacy and connection with ourselves and allowing energy to flow.
  • Drooling – A practice that releases shame and brings us freedom and the energy of joy.
  • The Tantric Kiss of Life – An active meditation that is an experience of the intimacy we have with life.
  • The Conscious Sensuality of Taste – How eating and drinking can be a path to consciousness, awareness, presence and energy.
  • Conscious Kissing – A mini-workshop within the workshop on kissing, kissing techniques, and The Heart Kiss.

And no workshop on the Erotic Mouth would be complete without sharing oral sex techniques for men and women.

One of the things that always interests me is how many ways, how many paths there are for healing, for connection, for release, for experience and how narrowly we often look at these. Our mouths are one of the first ways we explore and experience the world, and one of the first places that becomes emotionally, physically and energetically stuck.

As we clear these and as we connect more consciously with our mouths, the sensations we experience deepen and intensify.

We also see how the deep relaxation of massage and mediation with our mouths relaxes the whole body, due to the connection with our nervous system.

And as we go deeper we experience the spiritual element of Kissing Life. Spiritual practice is about, amongst things, connecting us with ourselves, and with life. This practice does just that.

Many of us hold shame about so many things that expresses itself in many ways. The practice of drooling is a liberation. It brings a freedom and a celebration of vitality and joy.

For me, kissing has always been such an intimate experience, and like so many other aspects of sex we never get much education for this. With some learning we can begin to explore so many ways to kiss that will excite, arouse and connects us with our lovers.

And connected to this, some delicious oral sex techniques for men and women.

As well as being a day of experiencing, it’s also a day of learning, giving you the practices to continue exploring, feeling and connecting, on your own.

I am so excited to share the depth and possibility of this journey with you.


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