The Conscious Erotic

There is a moment, a Divine Erotic Moment.
A Conscious Erotic Moment.

It could be with my face in your neck, breathing your scent in, feeling the soft warmth of the curve there.
It could be with my hand wrapped in your hair, pulling your head back, opening your throat to my mouth.
It could be the rope you’re trailing over my body and the exquisite sensation of aliveness on my skin.
It could be with my teeth in the flesh of your shoulder, the fire in my body, in my mouth.
It could be my mouth close to your ear, and the words I whisper.
It could be our eyes, what we see in the moment of gazing, what we see as we travel the curves of our bodies.
It could be the silence of a moment.

Connecting, Man to Man

There is a sensuality of men, between men, that few of us get to experience.
It is rich in gifts, deep, vast.
Gifts of support, of connection, of intimacy.
Gifts of the body, gifts of the heart.

One of the events I offer is an experience I created called Water Flow Massage.
It happens in an indoor heated pool where the water encompasses us like a womb of safety, sensation and feeling.
It’s a touch experience, with a lot of holding, gentle movement, and stillness.
It’s designed to be deeply relaxing, connected, intimate, soft and opening.
Some of the practices you do on your own, some with a partner, and some in a group.

Deep Erotic Experience

There are moments of Erotic experience, moments of deep pleasure, moments of sexual energy, moments of intimacy, moments of the heart, moments of the body, that have no words.
They’re sacred moments, moments of an open heart.
Moments that show how vast the space of the heart is.
Moments that arise from deep within us.
Moments of eyes, of breath, of touch.

Deep moments.
That are changing the way I work, and the experiences I share, and will soon start teaching.