
I have been doing some very non-traditional Yoni and Lingam Puja experiences. 

This week I shared this space with a man.

Here we sit, 2 men.

2 naked men, looking into each other’s eyes.

2 men seeing each other, being seen by each other.

In the strength of their vulnerability, in the power of their presence.

2 men willing to connect in the intimacy of the heart, the intimacy of the body.

Without a story, without a label.

I held him on my lap, belly to belly, heart to heart.

I lay him down, sat between his legs.

With my words I honoured him, this man, honoured his body, his heart, his life.

I honoured his Lingam as I held him in my hands and gently caressed him.

Whether he was hard or soft, and it kept changing in the experience, all of him was welcome.

There is no performance in this, there is no goal, there is no achievement. 

There is simply the moment, the touch, the sensation, the feeling, the energy.

The words flowed, about the beauty of his Lingam.

The touch continued, so slow, so soft.

A time of deep receiving.

A time of being.

There was a time when the words melted into silence. There was a time when the touch came to stillness.

I turned him on his side, lay behind him, held him.

Then we spoke, shared.

So many of us men, in a world with so few rituals, so few spaces of belonging, so few strong male role models.

So many of us men, in a world of increasingly warped, distorted perspective on what it is to be a man.

So many of us men, in a world of increased pressure to ‘succeed’ in such a narrow definition of what that is.

So many of us men, living with fear, with anxiety, about ‘being a man’.

So many of us men, with hearts longing to love, to be seen.

So many of us men, longing for a space to share, to be held.

So many of us men, with the confusion of desire.

So many of us men, longing to be seen, accepted, for who we are.

So many of us men, with such deep, such powerful feelings, that we’re strangers to.

So many of us men, with such strength, such possibility. 

So many of us men, with such longing for connection, for intimacy.

In this ritual, and so many others, in the eyes of another man, in the words of another man, in the touch of another man, we’ll find ourselves.

I’ve heard so many men say I can’t do this work with a man.

It’s time to put that limitation, that story down, it keeps us trapped in such a small way of thinking, of being.

There is such a strong sisterhood in the world.

And so much of what we’re doing is fighting each other, in so many ways.

I see, I’ve always seen, and now more than ever, the healing, connecting, releasing, liberating, transformational power of this work.

I invite you…

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