
All my life I’ve been fascinated by the connection between the mind and the body, thoughts and feelings, the spiritual and the corporeal, energy.. 

How this connection expands into the heart, intuition, our sexual centres, the wisdom of the body.

How they connect, how we heal and grow, how we learn in them, with them, through them.

It can’t ever be a question of one or the other.

On this journey, of healing, growth and experience, they’re so entwined within us, if we ignore, suppress, repress one, we’re doing less than half of what we need.

Because there’s been such an emphasis on the mind in the world, because we’ve given thought so much power, we’ve often disconnected from the body, and from feeling.

The more we’re just in the mind, the less of us we’re accessing and experiencing.

And it’s in experience that things change within us, in feeling, more than in thinking.

The more we’re telling the same story over and over, the deeper we’re entrenching it.

The more we’re having the same conversation, in life, in relationship, again and again, the more we’re setting it into us.

We live in patterns, and when we’re repeating the same pattern of thought and word, the deeper we’re pushing it into ourselves.

I’ve developed a saying, ‘Metaphorical movement needs literal movement.’

Metaphorical in this sense being inner movement, emotional movement, energy movement, and thought movement.

The body needs to move.

The main languages of the body, movement, touch, breath and sound, need to be there.

As much as we think about something, as much as we talk about it, as often as we tell the story, without the body it doesn’t move.

In my world, sexuality, sensuality, spirituality, the body is the vehicle for this life.

As much as we talk about the issues, the problems, the hurts, the desires, until we’re in the body, until we’re feeling, we tend to go round and round the same patterns. 

Of course, what we think about ourselves, our bodies, our pleasure, relationships, experiences, sexuality, intimacy etc is important. 

The thoughts may, and only if we can have a different relationship with our minds, move something.

The healing, the learning, the growing, is in the body, in feeling, in experience.

The patterns change in the mind and the body, and we need them both.

When something in the body moves, changes, opens, softens, something in the mind can move.

A different feeling will allow a different perspective. 

The conscious mind will keep doing what it does, what it knows. 

The subconscious, in the body, will bring something new to awareness, unlock something, release something.

And take us more into the realm of possibility. 

I like to think that I’m a thinker, and an observer, a reader and student. 

After more than 25 years of doing this work, this is what’s come to me.

There are so many ways, none more right than another, regardless of what so many of us think, or rather don’t think, accept.

For me, the prime language and way of doing this is touch.

And through touch, in touch, I’ve seen how the body releases that which is held within us, deep within us, locked into us.

There’s a saying, I think from Caroline Myss, ‘Our biology is our biography.’

My body is my story.

There are many others, how the body keeps score etc.

Time and time again I’ve seen how touch moves something inside.

And when it does, it gives the mind something else, something different, a shift in perspective, it allows us to see more.

One of the analogies I use is that if you have stiff neck, what you can see is limited. As your neck loosens up, wow, what’s over there…

I talk about how limitless touch is, and over the past months, more than ever I’m seeing that.

And I’m also seeing, with those I’m sharing this journey with, how feelings and thoughts are shifting more than ever.

I use the word, the idea of possibility a lot.

This body, and all that’s within it, us, we are the field of possibility. 

And the more we feel that, know that in a way beyond words, the more we see life is the same.

There’s something I love, that almost everyone I work with says at some point on this journey, it’s all about sex, and has nothing to do with sex.

It’s about all of us, body, heart, mind, spirit. 

The delicious, mysterious, wonder-full journey of possibility.

If you’d like to explore more of this path, I offer online and in-person sessions.

Please email for more info,

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