
I was thinking about penetration, penetrative sex, and I was thinking about how narrowly we see that.

Firstly, for many of us the definition of sex is penetration, Lingam in Yoni, penis in vagina, or anus.

And for many of us, without penetration, there’s no fulfilment, something lacking, the experience is incomplete.

And for many of us, penetration is one-sided.

It’s being done to someone by someone.

Here are a few things…

When we’re willing to expand the way we see sex, we open ourselves to so many possibilities. 

And the fulfilment we experience expands in so many ways.

This requires learning, it requires practice.

It requires a shift in our minds, in our hearts, in our bodies.

It requires a shift that expands us from orgasm-oriented, goal, achieving sex, to pleasure, energy, intimacy, presence and limitless ways to feel.

The next thing, and this is where a lot shifts, is that penetration is not quite the limited experience we think it is, and it’s much more a flow, a dance between us.

Penetration is so much more than one body part going into another.

Penetration is happening all the time between us, in so many ways. 

And as much as I’m penetrating you, you’re penetrating me.

So many of my pleasure experiences begin with looking into each other’s eyes.

You’re seeing me, I’m seeing you.

With our eyes, with our energy, we’re penetrating each other.

We greet each other, as lovers, words that we speak.

Your words penetrating me, entering me, as mine enter you.

We sit in Yab Yum, heart to heart, belly to belly.

The intention in your heart, the intention in mine, we penetrate each other.

Our kiss, we enter each other’s bodies.

I drink you into me, swallow you.

You are inside of me.

Every touch, every stroke, every caress, is a penetration. 

You into me, me into you.

Our bodies dance with each other.

Our energy flows, into me, into you, around us.

There’s no moment where there is not an exchange between us.

And even when I am inside of your body, your heart, your breath, your sounds, your eyes, inside of me.

My Lingam absorbing your energy, your essence.

This dance, this flow, every moment, every breath.

Can change the way we experience ourselves and each other.

Because it’s about connection, intimacy.

It’s not about one person doing something to another.

It’s not about giving and receiving, in the way we generally see it.

Even, and I’ve written a lot about this, when my mouth is on your Yoni, or any configuration of that, there’s energy flowing between us.

You entering me, strongly, subtly, in so many ways.

There’s a fullness, a depth of penetration that takes us deep into each other, deep into inner spaces, deep Into energy, deep into the knowing of each other, the feeling of each other. 

Beyond words.

There’s a union, a sacred union.

That we can experience in so many ways, in so many moments.

And when I think about the experience, when we talk about what we shared, we’re inside of each other.

There’s a deeper dimension in this.

The awareness of our endless penetration of each other deepens, enhances our intimacy, our love.

It fuels the energy between us, energy of our hearts, energy of our bodies, energy of our thoughts.

The fire between us, the spark between us, stronger all the time.

There’s a greater openness, a deeper vulnerability.

Me in you, you in me.

There’s a principle in Conscious Sexuality, that sex is life, life is sex.

So much of what happens in our sexuality is in our lives, reflected and expressed.

And so much of what’s in our lives is in our sexuality.

When we experience the fullness of penetration of each other, that expands into life.

Into the air we breathe, the coffee we drink, the food we eat, the flowers we smell.

The sun on my skin.

And we start to get more of an idea of what making love is, what making love can be.

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