‘It was actually overwhelming, the intensity, felt like a fire inside my belly.’
Very few women are aware of their sexual power, the energy that dwells inside.
Very few women allow themselves the opportunity to experience the fullness of this power.
Very few women allow the fire to build, to burn, to rip through their bodies, a wave of molten liquid that touches every cell, every nerve, to quiver and shake through them.
Very few women allow this energy, this cosmic force to take them deep, to take them beyond the body, beyond the mind, to a place where there is just heart, just spirit.
Very few women allow themselves to become, even for a moment, stardust.
Very few women allow themselves to become, even for a moment, Goddess.
‘I was speechless after the experience, the massage, I had no words. They came later, so much to say, like a tap had opened. Then came the anger. An anger I never knew I had. Anger at the world that had kept this from me, anger at my mother who’d kept it from me, anger at the men who’d kept me satisfied with crumbs, and then anger at myself for not knowing about this, for not knowing who I was, and what I’d settled for.’
The anger runs deep.
Allowing it, acknowledging it, feeling it, is the first part of healing it, releasing it.
The anger reveals the fear.
And we fear the power and the pleasure.
We fear what it will do to us, what it will do to our lives, our world.
We fear what we allow ourselves to feel.
There’s safety in numbness.
And in the Place of Pleasure there is no safety.
There is openness and revealing, there is allowing and receiving, there is expansion and beauty.
And there is love.
In acknowledging the pleasure we are capable of, we acknowledge the love we are capable of.
And again, the fear with the love.
How much can we love, how much can we give, how much can we receive, how much will we allow?
And will we allow ourselves to be broken, again and again?
And will we allow each break to open us more?
In the opening to love, to pleasure, our world changes, our context changes.
We change.
Back to basics.
In a space of safety you’ll allow yourself the experience of pleasure.
You’ll allow the inhibitions, the limitations, the fears to move aside.
You’ll allow yourself.
Back to basics.
With an expanded context for pleasure, a new way of looking at pleasure, at love, we can open to experience.
Back to basics.
From the beginning of this journey that has been one of my goals.
To help you feel what’s possible.
To feel the power that’s there.
And to allow it’s expression in the world.
So much in the field of modern Tantra, so much in the field of Conscious Sexuality, has been, is about, helping free women from the limitations they’ve accepted and allowed.
This is one of the greatest gifts we can offer, and one of the greatest gifts we can receive.
I can tell you there is nothing more beautiful than the moment that truth sparks within you and you see through eyes open and bright.
You feel with heart aflame.
You live, even for a moment, from the sacred soul connecting you to Goddess.