It’s not often Yoni is touched with a whisper.
So often she’s touched with a shout, a yell, a demand.
When you think about the contraction, the withdrawal that brings, the tension in so many Yoni’s makes sense.
The same thing happens to us, when we’re addressed and approached in that way.
We tighten, we contract, we withdraw.
Or we get angry, irritated.
All of these feelings sit in the tissues of Yoni.
So often she’s not touched in a way that’s honouring, that’s respectful.
She’s not approached with gentleness.
She’s not approached with care, especially during teenage sex and exploration, so often based on a porn-model, and the accompanying attitude towards women.
And so often, so often, she’s not approached, she’s not seen, she’s not touched, as Divine.
Touched in this way, seen in this way, she’s also shamed, for desire, for appearance, for being hungry, for wanting, for having a voice.
So the voice becomes silent, suppressed, angry.
And the tissues become numb, blocked, tight.
There’s sadness here, unfulfilled desires, unmet experiences.
For these tissues have a wisdom, a knowing of what’s within them.
It’s a whisper that awakens her.
It’s a whisper that opens her.
It’s a whisper that softens her.
It’s a whisper that releases her.
Ita softness, gentleness, it’s slowness.
It’s touching as if the touch were a whisper.
That’s where the Invitation is, in the subtle, in the quiet whisper.
There’s a reverence in the whisper touch, that allows to feel.
This delicate contact is where the conversation happens. A conversation beyond words. A conversation of the deep physical, the emotion, the energy.
All in skin meeting skin, a whisper touch.
The reverence for the body, for the heart, brings the awareness of the sacred to the touch.
It’s the whisper that allows the voice to open.
To speak.
Sometimes it’s a shout, a yell, a scream.
So much to be released, so much to let go.
It’s the whisper that awakens her.
It’s the whisper that brings the spark of desire to a flame.
It’s the whisper that opens the inner space, the limitless space.
It’s the whisper that parts the veil of sacred sensation, the inner sanctum of the temple.
In a world of increasing noise and distraction, we need quiet more than ever.
We need to learn to whisper, and to listen to the whisper.
We need to learn to whisper to Yoni.
We need to teach our teenagers to whisper in the way they touch.
We need to teach men and women to whisper, to their own bodies, to those of their lovers.
In the whisper is the subtle seed of the deepest pleasure, the highest energy, the doorway to the sacred.