
To sit in Yab-Yum

To sit in union

To sit in intimacy

To sit in meditation 

To sit in love

With you

So much of my work is about touch, and in this I keep discovering its limitless expression.

The ways to touch the body keep revealing themselves in an endless stream of possibility.

Touch that’s healing, that’s soothing, that’s calming, that’s relaxing, that’s releasing, that’s connecting, that’s intimate, that’s worshipful, that’s adoring, that’s sacred, that’s pleasurable.

Touch that’s transcendent, ecstatic, blissful.

Touch that opens the body to release what we’ve held there, sometimes for so long.

Touch that softens us into expansion from the tension, the contraction we’ve held, sometimes for so long.

Touch that brings us into the body, to feel, where we’ve been disconnected, sometimes for so long.

Touch that awakens what’s been numb inside of us, sometimes for so long.

Touch that awakens sensation within us.

Touch that is the celebration of our skin and what’s within us.

Touch that opens us to states of ecstacy and the power of pleasure.

Touch that expands our consciousness.

Touch that is an expression of The Divine that this body is.

Touch that is an expression of the art of sensuality.

Touch that is a poem of intimacy and love.

And in all the ways of touching there is something so simple, yet so deep.

So simple that we often overlook it.

So simple that we bypass it to get to ‘the good stuff.’


Holding another.

Holding another with deep presence.

One of the most beautiful, most connected, most powerful ways to do this is Yab-Yum.

The Mother-Father posture.

The Posture of Union. 

It’s a posture and a gesture.

It’s a yoga on its own.

It’s a portal to deep states of intimacy.

In time, with time, it becomes a path of stillness, of inner quiet, a meditation of touch.

It is, it becomes, a posture, a gesture, of love, of making love.

We become aware of all the places your body touches mine, mine touches yours.

We become aware of our breath, the sound of our breath, the feel of our bodies expanding, releasing in the breath.

We become aware of a softening into each other, a melting into each other.

And if we go deep, a dissolution of one into the other, into one being, one body, one breath. 

It’s a posture of energy, of sexual energy, of life-force, vitalility. 

It’s a posture for energy to flow, within us, between us, in a dance of erotic electricity.

It’s a posture where energy moves in ways subtle and fiery, arousing and opening.

Where our breath expands, where our throats open, where the cosmic force of pleasure entwines around us.

In my world, it’s the beginning of so much of what we do, it’s the ritual that opens the ritual.

It’s a moment where we connect in feeling, where our breath softens, our bellies touch, and we prepare to drop deeper into…

It’s where our bodies begin to speak to each other in the language of touch, a language beyond words, the language of the heart.

To sit like this, in Yab-Yum, is to sit in a space of limitless possibility. 

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