
This week in Cape Town something special is happening, The Sex Expo, and we are doing something special there, The Theatre of the Erotic.

I’ve been involved in this Expo since it began about 16 years ago.

I’ve watched the way it’s gone through many transitions and changes, ups and downs.

It has a special place inside of me, and I’ve always wanted to bring something to elevate the Expo, bring something more conscious, more erotic, more real, authentic.

Bring something more from the heart.

For a long time I spoke about the the 3 P’s of the Expo, Porn, Plastic and Panties.

There’s not a lot of porn anymore, it’s mostly online.

There is a lot of plastic and there are lots of panties.

The plastic is the sex toys, and a big part of the Expo is that it’s a sex toy supermarket, with a huge range of stuff available.

The panties are the lingerie and outfits, accessories etc.

The importance of all of this stuff, from the beautifully crafted, hand-made to the not so, is that it’s fabulous to be in a space where it’s normal.

A space to talk, to look, to ask questions in a way that’s open, non-judgemental, and normal.

Where you can buy toys and floggers, ropes and costumes, and everyone is doing the same.

Without shame or embarrassment.

And that’s huge.

What we’re doing at the Expo is also huge.

In The Theatre of the Erotic we’re presenting some live experiences.

Yoni Massage, Lingam Massage and Sensual Bondage Massage.

These are not scripted, they’re not rehearsed or planned.

The people involved in this, and I’ll call them models for want of a better word, are not professionals, they’re not actors.

They are men and women on journeys of sexual exploration, healing, learning, growing.

As an expression of their expanding sexuality and eroticism, they asked to be involved.

Whatever happens in these experiences is real, live, emotional, authentic.

It’s an expression of real sexual energy and connection.

It’s not a performance in the way that it has a goal, that anything has to happen.

The only expectation is presence.

And this is incredibly powerful.

For us to be able to see, live, the beauty and power of amazing sexuality. 

To feel the energy and emotion, which becomes palpable in the space.

The people doing this are inviting us into an experience that is intimate, personal, vulnerable, and so powerful.

For us to have a space to do this, and to share it with you, is amazing.

Especially in a country like South Africa, which is conservative, sexually repressed and suppressed.

It’s a slice of possibility.

And for the people involved, it shows what’s possible when we step onto the power of a journey of sexual healing.

These are ‘normal’ people, whatever that is.

They have families and jobs, full lives.

And they’ve discovered, from a place of hurt and fear, amazing sexual freedom.

It makes me think about a picture with a few rays of light shining down from above.

Bringing what is seen in so much of our world as shadow and dark, into the light of the sacred.

In all of this there’s a freedom, a liberation, for all of us.

A liberation into pleasure.

A liberation into our bodies, minds and hearts.

A liberation into the healing and transformational power of pleasure. 

A liberation into connecting, into an intentional erotic space.

A liberation from fantasy into the powerful reality of pleasure, from the myth, the pattern, the conditioning, into presence.

A liberation into possibility.

And I invite you to join me for the workshops the following week, which will give you a direct experience of liberation.

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