There is a touch that seeks touch
There is a heart that seeks another
There is love that seeks love
There is pleasure that seeks pleasure
There’s a beautiful concept that what we seek is seeking us.
There’s another beautiful concept of consciously receiving, welcoming touch.
For many of us, touch, massage and pleasure are often a giving and receiving.
One of us gives, one of us receives.
Sometimes these roles are very set, which becomes a limitation, a contraction, a restriction.
It doesn’t allow the energy to flow between us.
And for many of us, men in particular, receiving is not easy or comfortable. Some of that is about control and vulnerability, which is a big story for another day.
In short, when we don’t allow ourselves to receive, we don’t allow our partner to give.
Let’s come back to what we seek is seeking us, and put this in the context of touch, of pleasure, of massage, of sensuality and of sexuality.
I was given a beautiful small flogger a while ago. I was holding it in my hands, playing with it, feeling the sensation it made when I smacked my palm with it. It was a delicious feeling. It’s never going to cause pain, simply a delicious sensation.
We were talking about the implement, and I mentioned the idea, what we seek… and said that as much as I might seek to use this on your body, your body seeks the sensation. As much as your skin seeks the feeling, the leather seeks your skin.
As much as my hands seek to, desire to touch you, you desire my hands on your skin.
As much as I open my heart to you, your heart desires to feel mine.
As much as I desire to pleasure you, you desire to feel the pleasure.
When we bring our awareness to this, when we consciously welcome, receive, draw the touch, the intimacy, the energy into us, something opens.
We meet each other in a place that’s beyond giving and receiving. It’s a place of flow. The sensation of my hand on your skin flows into you, in you’re feeling that, in being aware of it, something from you flows into me.
There’s a conversation, a dance that has no words.
It’s a dance of delicious human connection, intimacy and feeling.
So much of our lives is about disconnect and separation, the distance this creates.
So often we see difference as being wrong.
When what’s inside of me is reaching for life, for connection, for understanding, life is opening to me.
There’s something I see in our events, how touch connects us beyond words, beyond a story, beyond labels.
We often don’t know the details of someone’s life, they don’t matter.
In the connection we become aware of that which runs deep within us, the essence of who we are.
When we expand this into Sensuality, not only the sensuality of pleasure but the sensuality of life, the way we experience each other, the world, we connect, deeply.
As much as I desire the coffee, the coffee desires my drinking it. Bringing a moment of awareness to this experience, to fully inhale the aroma, to taste, there’s an almost spiritual quality to that moment.
Put that in the context of the body.
My eyes longing to look at you, as you desire to be seen.
My mouth filled with desire to taste you, as much as you long to be tasted.
Everything in this is an invitation, into presence, into feeling, into possibility.
Everything in this is about the moment.
Everything in this is about love, and realising how vast, how deep, and how present love is in all that we do.
I invite you, as a seeker, to join me in this exploration.
We begin a week of workshops in Cape Town, starting with a Free Talk on Mon night.