
It’s Women’s Day in South Africa on Fri.
What makes it sacred?

When I look at you with eyes that see the Divine in you.

When I kiss you with a mouth that thirsts for the Divine.

When I touch you with hands that long to pray on the altar of your body.

When I enter your body it’s as if I am entering a temple.

When I feel your heart with the whole of my being.

When I surrender myself to the power within you.

When I see you, all of you, your fire and your shadow, your light and your dark, when I welcome all of you, when I receive all of you.

The fullness, the power of women’s sexuality, sensuality, pleasure and eroticism is vast, wide, deep, high.

It’s an expression of her body, her mind, her life, her spirit. 

It flows, it burns, it blows, it’s solid, it’s fluid.

It’s the elements, loving and breathing in the body, in life.

It’s a song that has so many voices, a body that has so many dances.

It’s life-long, changing, transforming, endless, limitless…

The mysteries of her body, the mysteries of her heart, are indeed the mysteries of the Divine.

Exploring her is exploring Life.

The wonder of her beauty, the wonder of her body is the wonder of creation.

In her eyes, in her breath, in her words, worlds are formed.

The energy of her body, the energy of her pleasure is the vibration of life, ecstasy alive.

Her body, her sacred body, her skin, her curves, the secret places, to explore her, to learn her, to discover her, is an endless journey.

It’s an inner journey, and a journey into life, into the heart of life.

It’s a journey into sensation, into feeling, into awareness, into the mind, into possibility. 

Humbling ourselves before her.

Standing tall beside her. 

Offering ourselves to her, in love, in desire, in power and in gentleness.

Opening ourselves, softening ourselves, expanding ourselves.

Walking with our fire, walking with open hand, open heart.

Walking beside her.

I’ve spent over 25 years exploring, experiencing, learning, teaching, in the fields of Conscious Sexuality, Sacred Sexuality.

I’ve developed so many practices of connection, touch, intimacy, pleasure, sexual energy.

I’ve seen how limitless we are, our minds, our bodies, our hearts, our energy.

I’ve seen how deep, how vast our pleasure is.

How our bodies, our sexuality, are portals to places of deep awareness, intimacy with spirit.

I’ve seen how much wisdom there is in our bodies.

I’ve seen how much there is within us, the possibilities of love, of intimacy, of connection, of sensuality, sexuality and of the sacred within us.

I love to share all of this with you and look forward to so much more.

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