The Orgasmic Field
One of the reasons we seek orgasms is that just for a moment, brief as it may be, it totally takes us out of ourselves…
The Many Petals of Yoni Massage
There are many expressions of Yoni Massage, many petals of this most beautiful art of pleasure…
Taking Care
Every Water Flow Massage Experience has a theme, an energy…
Holiday Pleasure and Pressure
So many of us are looking for more pleasure, deeper connection and intimacy as well as a greater experience of sexual energy…
Slowly, Deeply…
So many of us are looking for more pleasure, deeper connection and intimacy as well as a greater experience of sexual energy…
What Do You Want From Sex
My learning of life, of consciousness, has brought me to see that everything is connected, and that everything has a purpose…
SexTalk – What Do You Want From Sex?
It’s different every day, it changes, we change… how do we create sexual fulfilment?