Meet Yourself in Pleasure
In pleasure we meet ourselves.
In deep, conscious pleasure we meet some of the deepest parts of who we are.
My teaching journey began teaching about pleasure, particularly women’s pleasure.
This included offering touch, massage and pleasure experiences. These were experiences of deep pleasure, service, intimacy, fun, learning, discovery, emotion, exploration, healing, growth, spirit, connection, release and more.
Over time this journey expanded into working and sharing as deeply with men.
And over time I’ve come to see, in so many ways, the power and possibility of pleasure.
In this I have learned, developed and created, and continue to do, so many pleasure experiences.
Deepening Into Love
For the past, it’s nearly two years now, I haven’t had a sexual partner, I haven’t had a lover, I haven’t had a relationship.
Not in the traditional sense.
This has been a time of going into myself, into my body, into my sensuality and sexuality.
It’s affirmed something I’ve known and taught for a long time.
Our love, our sexuality, our sensuality, our pleasure, is about us.
This Conscious Kiss
Kissing is one of the most intimate acts we can share with a partner, in fact there are times when kissing is more intimate than sex. Kissing brings us closer together than anything. Because kissing is so intimate, it also expresses our emotional state.
Kissing is the sharing of our essence. In the exchange of fluids and breath we mix ourselves with our lovers.
Sacred Yoni Massage
The sacred in me arises when I sit before you, when I look into your eyes.
The sacred in me arises when I kneel before you.
The sacred in me arises when I sit between your legs.
The sacred in me arises when I rest my hand on your heart.
The sacred in me arises when I rest my hand on your Yoni.
The sacred in me arises when I worship you.
My Orgasmic Gratitude
The energy of gratitude has such power.
It brings us into awareness, into presence.
It’s an element of intimacy.
It connects us to ourselves, to another, to life, to the world.
Gratitude heals.
There is a sense of wonder in gratitude, wonder for this life we live, for this breath we breathe, for what we feel, what we hear, what we see, what we smell, what we taste, what we feel, what we sense.
There is a wonder for this body, this heart.
There is a joy in gratitude, a joy being alive, vital, pulsating.
There’s a beautiful concept, and practice that I teach called Orgasmic Gratitude.
Coffee and a Kiss
It’s been a while since I’ve written a Coffee piece, it’s also been a while, a long while since I’ve written an erotic piece.
I remember, she said, I asked you this long ago, a little while after we’d met.
I asked you how you were going to kiss me the first time we kissed.
Our Sexual Connection
Most people who come and see me, looking for healing, as that’s where so many journeys into sensuality, into Conscious Sexuality, into Tantra begin, are looking for something.
They’re looking to connect with their sexuality.
Some of us have never had that connection, have never owned our sexuality, never been comfortable, deeply comfortable, in our sexuality.
Some of us have disconnected from it over time, through stress, through trauma, through unfulfilled experiences, unmet expectations, disappointment and so many other issues.
My Love is My Arousal
Conscious Pleasure Experiences have the amazing quality of being portals of learning, healing and growth. This is where we shift from having sex to making love. We shift from a goal-oriented experience, orgasm, to a heart-centered experience.
It’s driven by a model that has trapped men in a very narrow experience of sexuality.
It’s silent.
And it’s silence it’s become repressed, suppressed, disconnected.
It’s become angry and emotionless.
It’s a pattern of limitation, of contraction.
Changing the Lingam Pattern
For so many men the masculine expression of sexuality is hard.
It’s driving, it’s taking.
Its need based, released based.
It’s about size, performance.
It’s driven by a model that has trapped men in a very narrow experience of sexuality.
It’s silent.
And it’s silence it’s become repressed, suppressed, disconnected.
It’s become angry and emotionless.
It’s a pattern of limitation, of contraction.
Healing Through Pleasure
When we work with expansion we become open to different ways of doing this, different perspectives. We come to see the patterns that we’ve lived with, that keep us doing what we do, and we see how we can change these.
There are so many ways to do this, and the energy and practice of pleasure is a beautiful and powerful path for healing.
Feelings are in the body, sensation is in the body, tension is in the body, stress is in the body, contraction is in the body, release is in the body.
Healing The (Sexual) Body
The cornerstone of my healing work is patterns.
The patterns are in the body as well as in the mind.
And we can only change the body patterns in the body.
Thoughts, ideas, perspectives, are in the mind. Words and talking are in the mind. Thinking is in the mind.
The body patterns are deep, conditioned, subconscious.
Feelings are in the body, sensation is in the body, tension is in the body, stress is in the body, contraction is in the body, release is in the body.
Find Stillness
For most men sex is about doing.
Especially in the body.
Your body moves, especially your hips.
Moving, thrusting, rocking…
Find stillness.
The Intimacy of Healing
I love to teach.
I love to learn, and I love to share what I learn, to understand it, to see where it fits, what it connects to.
I’ve been listening to some great teachers over the past weeks and really been thinking about what I do, and what I don’t do.
I share deep journeys with people.
We go deep, and we take the time to go deep.
In this time an intimacy develops, a connection that allows for depth.
And I’ve come to see that intimacy is such an important element of healing and growth.
Quiet Lingam
Male sexuality has many different expressions, which sadly not many men get to understand and experience.
For most men sex is genitally, orgasm oriented, and this limits the experience men have of their sexuality, of the field of possibility.
Quiet Lingam is a very slow, very gentle experience.
It’s about a man surrendering to receive, in a way that frees him from performance, from pressure.
The Making of an Erotic Massage Therapist Pt 6
The very first Taoist Sexual Energy Massage I did with a man was an interesting initiation. He had both nipples pierced, three genital piercings and various other piercings.
I was young, sexually, and body inexperienced. To say that this was a stretch was putting it mildly.
In time I came to experience so many bodies, types of bodies, variations, things people did to their bodies. I doubt that I’ve seen it all, simply because the human possibility in every way is without limits.