Sexual Exploration

Lately I’ve received a lot of questions from people want to explore different sexual things…

Touch This Body

Touch this body in prayer, Touch this body in worship, For this is sacred ground…

The Power of Play

Exploring a different story of our sexuality I come to an understanding of the power of playfulness…

Men Going Deeper

Last week in my practice I had two incredibly deep experiences. Both of these are connected to a different story of our sexuality…

Men’s Story

As I look at a different story for our sexuality I turn to an experience I had recently and what it brought to mind…

Makers of Love

During some deep discuss with me lover we’ve spoken about not knowing what certain words mean to us anymore. A good example of this is ‘spirituality’…

A Different Story

Opening is expansion, Softness is welcoming, Gentleness is tender…

A World of Healers

Imagine if we lived in a world of healers. The healers who say that I am in the world and the world is within me…

The Pleasure Connection

Over time I’ve worked with so many people, men and women, who have disconnected themselves…


Have you really thought about what YOU expect from sex?

Making More Love

The sexual paradigm that so much of the Western world lives with is essentially a Porn – based model…

Heart Work

The deeper I go into sexuality, the deeper I go into the heart…


‘Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain’. C G Jung

A Heart Life

I don’t want to do shallow, I don’t want to do mediocre…

Better Sex, Heart Sex

A while ago someone who comes to a lot of my workshops said something that struck a chord within me…

The Heart of Release

For so long we thought that our reaction to stress had two expressions, fight or flight, or something along that spectrum…

Be A Human of Emotions

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about positive, about being positive, about negative and positive emotions…

Coming Home

I stood in the sun and felt it enter me, felt its warmth…

Conscious Quiet

Come and let us sit in the quiet, in the conscious quiet…

Massage and Touch

On the Sensual Massage retreat last weekend someone asked a fascinating question, ‘What’s the difference between massage and touch?’

Stay Connected

I love you, and I’m angry, or hurt, or frustrated or whatever, and I want to stay connected and work this out…

The Unspoken Conversation

I went to a Constellation workshop last week. I understand the work to be about family patterns that we carry…

Healing by Adding

Many of us struggle to change things that cause us pain, that limit us…